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Monday, February 25, 2013

Levi's Book

Just read Levi Johnston's book Deer in the Headlines: My Life in Sarah Palin's Crosshairs. It was fun and you can forget everything you thought you knew about "Bristol's baby daddy." He comes off as an Alaska good old boy in a pretty decent way except for all the shit with his in-laws. Okay, maybe wearing camo for his 2nd wedding was a little tacky but who gives a flyin' fuck?!

He says in the book his chest is naturally smooth. Too bad Playgirl mowed down his pubes tho -- but like he says, he was a 19 year old kid who didn't know any better. There's also a comment that some porn site offered him $100,000 to jerk off on camera. Too bad, bet it woulda been hot!

(P.S. Playgirl, these shots were on free Internet sites so don't yell at me!)